generic citrus

Spanish national citrus producers’ association Intercitrus has revealed that the country’s fresh produce exporters have indirectly benefited from the spread of swine flu, with exports increasing by 15 per cent in some countries.

According to the Valencia-based group, Spanish citrus exporters have benefited from official health advice in several countries in the wake of the outbreak, encouraging people to consume more citrus.

Intercitrus president Jorge García Ballester told Las Provincias that increases in consumption had been particularly evident in countries outside the European Union, especially Switzerland, Norway and the US, over recent months.

He told the publication that Spanish citrus exports for November to non-EU countries reached 60,000 tonnes, equivalent to 10 per cent more than the same month a year ago. In the case of oranges, this percentage rose to 15 per cent.

Sales of Turkish citrus have reportedly also increased on the back of swine flu fears and a downturn in production in Spain and Argentina.