Zespri Green Gold

The 2013 New Zealand kiwifruit season has surpassed expectations by setting a new record for the sweetest-ever kiwifruit, according to leading marketer Zespri.

The group pointed out that growershave reported the highest levels of dry matter in Zespri’s history, which gives the fruit a sweeter taste as starch in the fruit converts to natural fruit sugars whileit softens and ripens. In addition, there has been record sunshine in key growing regions of the country.

“Our customers are telling us that this is driving very strong repeat purchasing by consumers,' explained Glen Arrowsmith, Zespri global marketing manager.'Consumer research has confirmed that the higher levels of dry matter increase both consumers’ enjoyment of the fruit and their intention to purchase again.

“Our marketing teams have been overwhelmed by the positive reaction the fantastic taste across all varieties of Zespri Kiwifruit, which has helped kick off a really strong start to the 2013 selling season,' he added.

Over 80 per centof Zespri New Zealand kiwifruit is grown in the Bay of Plenty region, which has had the highest sunlight levels in January, February and March this year since records began on modern equipment in 1992.

The great tasting fruitprovides an additional reason to get excited about Zespri Green, Gold, and Organic kiwifruit, in addition to the high nutritional value and commitment to innovation such as the release of the world’s first compostable fruit label released on the on the Zespri organic fruit this season, Arrowsmith concluded.