Hamburg Süd gets a thumbs up in the area of sustainability, according to a new study carried out by the Fraunhofer Working Group for Supply Chain Services.
The report, entitled 'Sustainability Index for Logistics Service Providers', highlighted how transparently logistic service providers report on their activities in the area of sustainability, and the measures that they use to put their ideas into practice.
According to Hamburg Süd, it received a 'thoroughly positive' assessment on both counts, with the Working Group finding its sustainability communication transparent, while also categorising the shipper as a 'doer' when implementing activities.
'Hamburg Süd's good rating from the Fraunhofer working group is at once recognition and incentive for us,' said Dr Arnt Vespermann, member of the executive board of Hamburg Süd. 'It shows that we have embarked on the right course, and we intend to continue pursuing this course while demonstrating commitment and customer-orientation.'