Chep USA pallets fresh produce

Chep USA, the provider of managed pallet pooling solutions, has revealed that it has joined The Sustainability Consortium (TSC) in the Packaging Sector Working Group, as well as the transportation committee of the organisation.

According to the group, it is aiming to work with other industry, civil society, academic and government stakeholder experts, representing some US$2.4tn in revenue, to drive improvement in product sustainability across the consumer goods industry.

“Sustainability is one of our shared values at Chep, and is reflected in the pallets that we use and our pooling business model, which offer significant sustainability advantages,” said Vishal Patell, vice-president, retail supply chain solutions at Chep USA. “We are committed to using resources more efficiently, minimising waste and encouraging the sustainable use of our products and services.

“The expertise and knowledge that can now be exchanged between Chep and The Sustainability Consortium will advance the sustainability mission of both organisations while benefiting the supply chain,” he added.

In addition to the Packaging Sector Working Group and transportation committee, TSC – an organisation of diverse global participants that work collaboratively to build a scientific foundation that drives innovation to improve consumer product sustainability – also has a logistics committee that works to identify key social and environmental issues associated with activities logistics systems across supply chains.