Hispanics are avid shoppers, unhurried browsers and rate trust as a key driver for store selection, while in-store promotions and advertising are much more likely to influence their purchasing decisions, according to the findings of a recent TNS report called Hispanic Shopper 360 study.
Surveying consumers in 1,500 central location interviews between October and November 2007, the report claims some 24 per cent of Hispanics cite trust as key store selection criteria, compared with just 17 per cent of the total non-Hispanic shopper population, reinforcing the importance of building stronger brand relationships.
“The Hispanic population are avid shoppers driven by both family size and interest but needs to feel comfortable, welcome and completely trust their store,” said Emil Morales, TNS executive vice-president and general manager Centers of Excellence.
“Trips to the store for Hispanic consumers are about more than just availability of goods, it is also largely about service and the store experience. This sense of trust is a key reason that community based stores (bodegas and supermercados) are successful despite limited selections and often charging higher prices.”
Hispanics also rank “buying more fresh food than packaged goods” at 6 versus 21 for the general population, and they show a preference for cooking, with “cooking is a great source of satisfaction for me,” ranking at 5 versus 20 for Hispanic shoppers versus total population, thereby showing an increased opportunity for brands specializing in “authentic” ready-to-cook meals, or meals that are focused on healthy and fresh alternatives.