Macfrut European Summit

Italian fresh produce marketing and research group CSO has unveiled a number of high profile speakers due to take part in next month's European Fruit Summit.

The conference event, which takes place in Cesena, Italy, on 5 October 2010 – a day before the start of the annual Macfrut trade fair – will offer delegates a chance to analyse production forecasts for key products including apples, pears, citrus and kiwifruit.

Panel discussions will provide those attending with valuable insight into the European market for each product category.

In a statement, CSO confirmed the following participants in the panel discussion on apples: Josef Wielander, VI.P (Italy); Stephan Weist, Landgard (Germany); Dominik Wozniak, Rajpol (Poland); and Albert Richard, BVL (France).

A subsequent discussion focused on the pear category will involve: Liu Zhi, Yidu (China), Filip Lowette, BFV (Belgium); Carlo Spreafico, Spreafico (Italy); Jordi Gazquez, Actel (Spain); and Armando Paulo Torres, TirPortugal (Portugal).

In the first of the afternoon sessions, following a presentation on standardisation, quality and sustainability by packaging provider Bestack, the citrus sector will come under the spotlight.

Freshfel Europe general delegate Philippe Binard will present the latest production forecasts, before Paco Borras of Anecoop (Spain), Aurelio Panitteri of Panitteri (Italy) and Cirino Scatá of Osas (Italy).

The final session of the day will focus on kiwifruit, with the following industry figures taking part: Blair Hamill, Zespri Europe (New Zealand), Alessandro Fornari, Kiwigold (Italy), Dimitri Manossis, Zeus Kiwi (Greece), Michelangelo Rivoira, Kiwi Green (Italy) and Liu Zhi, Yidu (China).

More details are available from the official event website: