Huelva strawberries

Spanish soft fruit growers are confident that they will return to “normal supply levels” of strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries in spite of particularly heavy rainfall in key production areas for a second successive year.

According to growers in the Huelva region in the south west of Spain, wet weather led to an estimated 70 per cent reduction in the crop on the volumes originally forecast for February, and 40 per cent for March.

However, growers’ group Freshuelva said that improved weather conditions during the final third of the production cycle means that Spain should have sufficient volumes available to meet demand in key markets, such as the UK.

Freshuelva president Rafael Dominguez Guillén said: “Last year, we had poor weather, and our volumes decreased by a similar amount, but we were still able to supply our customers in the UK with the high quality they demand.

“Once again we have collaborated to manage the situation and have coped well. We should now see a return to normal supplies during April.”

The 2010 season is being supported with in store tasting events in major retailers and shopper information, as well as public relations activity.

María José Sevilla, director of UK promotional body Foods from Spain said: “The Spanish soft fruit sector has worked hard to maintain supplies of the great quality fruit for which they are known.

“Foods from Spain is supporting retail sales of the fruit with its promotional activity, which will highlight the availability and eating quality of Spanish soft fruit.”