Spanish Grocers Network

The Spanish Greengrocers Network is set to launch a major recruitment campaign aimed at increasing its membership, emphasising that members of the organisation can benefit from year-round promotions with leading commercial brands.

Communications company AGR Agro is developing the recruitment drive, which has been prompted by the Spanish Personal Data Protection Law of 2008 that requires that individual retailers need to approve fresh produce promotional campaigns featured in their stores.

For that reason, AGR agro said it was developing a major recruiting campaign to make the network “the first and only one of its kind in Spain, protecting the advertisers, retailers and consumers by guaranteeing the proper treatment of their data”.

The Spanish Greengrocers Network was founded with the aim of converting the retailer into an exclusive collaborator of major brands, which would also operate under the protection of the Spanish Law of Personal Data Protection that guarantees the protection of data for advertisers, retailers and consumers.

Grocers that join the network can collaborate in the start up or promotion of communication programmes favouring consumption of fruits and vegetables or other food products.

Over 3,000 small retailers have so far joined the organisation, which aims to stimulate sales by developing joint promotions with major commercial brands, while also allowing members to participate in new products launches.

The network has so far developed in-store promotions with the Association of Canaries’ Banana Producers, the Regulatory Council for Rincón de Soto pears and Italian fresh produce cooperative Marlene.