generic fresh-cut

Spain’s fresh-cut sector has increased its volume of sales over the past 12 months, with the volume of fruit and vegetables sold hitting 61,291 tonnes between January and November 2009 – a rise of 6.6 per cent compared with the same period of 2008.

According to Spanish fresh-cut association Afhorla, vegetables are by far the most developed area of the segment in Spain, accounting for some 60,115 tonnes.

Of the total volume of fresh-cut fruit and vegetables marketed between January and November, Afhorla said that 81 per cent was sold through supermarkets – equivalent to a 9 per cent increase compared with 2008.

By contrast, sales to the foodservice, which accounted for the remainder, dropped slightly by 2.1 per cent.

According to Afhorla, the Spanish fresh-cut sector currently has an annual volume of business totalling €200m, some 95 per cent of which is generated by members of the Fepex-affiliated association.