Spain Retail

Spain's fresh fruit and vegetable exports enjoyed a strong year in 2013, with the country's Department of Customs and Excise reporting on growth in both volume and value.

Fepex reported that fresh produce shipments climbed 11 per cent in value over 2012 figures, up to €10.68m, and grew 7 per cent in volume to 11.8m tonnes.

Vegetable exports increased by 11 per cent in value and 10 per cent in volume, to €4.3m and 4.6m tonnes respectively.

Growth was driven by tomatoes, bringing in €988m (growth of 7 per cent), peppers at €718m (+18 per cent), lettuce with €568m (-3.5 per cent) and cucumbers at €464m (+8 per cent).

Meanwhile, fruit shipments came to a total of €6.35m from 7.1m tonnes, growth of 11 per cent and 4.5 per cent respectively, aided by growth in the stonefruit and berry segments.

Nectarine exports increased by 22 per cent to €429m, Fepex said, with peaches up 14 per cent to €331m.

The EU represented 92 per cent of total Spanish exports, taking on 10.9m tonnes, up 7 per cent on 2012.