Coag protest

Two of Spain’s leading fresh produce associations have signalled their support for the major demonstration and agricultural strike that will be staged by much of the country’s fruit and vegetable sector on 20 and 21 November.

The interprofessional organisation for Andalusian fruit and vegetable producers, Hortyfruta, and citrus growers’ association Ailimpo have both given their backing to the planned actions, which will feature a stoppage on 20 November and culminate in a mass demonstration in Madrid a day later.

The events, which are being co-organised by Spanish agricultural associations Coag, Asaja and UPA under the title Movilización Agraria 2009, will seek to pressure the Spanish government into acting over high production costs and poor returns, among other issues.

The organisations will also look to highlight what they claim is inaction on the part of Spain and the European Union in tackling the “commercial dumping” of tomatoes by Morocco in Europe at far below agreed levels.

Hortyfruta said it was lending its support to the actions by calling on “all members of Andalusia’s fresh produce sector to participate in the march for the future of Spanish agriculture”.

“Spanish agriculture is living through one of the worst crises in its history – that’s why, for Hortyfruta, it is hugely important that the Andalusian sector takes part in this protest because we need to change the attitude of the Spanish government,” said the group.

Ailimpo said that it agreed with the demands being made by the events’ organisers and would support the “historic united action” that called for the Spanish government to put in place “concrete measures to guarantee the economic viability of the agricultural sector”.