Spain Retail

Spain's fresh produce exports climbed 11.7 per cent for the full year of 2015, according to statistics from the Ministry of Economy and published by Fepex.

According to the newly released figures, Spanish fresh fruit and vegetable export value climbed to €11.9bn for the year, while also rising 2.29 per cent in volume to 12.79m tonnes.

Vegetables exports came in at €4.82bn, up 11.46 per cent, although volumes fell 1.41 per cent year-on-year to 5.2m tonnes.

Fruit exports, meanwhile, came in 11.9 per cent higher in value at €7.06bn, and grew 5 per cent in volume to 7.58m tonnes.

The country's fresh produce imports for the 12-month period climbed by 14.22 per cent in value, coming to €1.97bn and 2.59m tonnes in value and volume respectively.