Jaco van Tubbergh Fruit Veg City International

Jaco van Tubbergh of Fruit & Veg City International

Imports of counter-seasonal fruit into South Africa are expected to show significant growth again in 2012 after setbacks during the past two years, when inbound shipments of New Zealand kiwifruit and Spanish stonefruit were halted due to phytosanitary issues.

Jaco van Tubbergh of Fruit & Veg City International, one of the companies involved in supplying a major portion of imported fruit to retailers and wholesalers, confirmed in an interview with Eurofruit that imports in both of these major categories are set to resume this season.

“Along with Spanish citrus, various products from Israel and table grapes from Spain and Egypt, South Africans have become used to seeing imported stonefruit and kiwifruit on their local retail shelves,” he told the magazine. “They have responded positively and we believe we are going to have another good import year.”

While South Africa has always been a very strategic sales area for domestic apples, pears and citrus, the stonefruit and grape sectors have tended to rely more on exports.

In recent times, however, opportunities in the country’s expanding retail sector for stonefruit, grapes and sub-tropical fruit have also grown substantially.

The recent arrival of Walmart, which now has a controlling share in South African retailer Massmart, is expected to encourage this trend, with fresh produce targeted as an area for growth.