ZA plums

South Africa could export a record volume of peaches and nectarines this coming season, according to new forecast data published by industry body Hortgro.

The bumper export crop is the result of good growing conditions in South Africa, where output is also expected to increase as a result of new production coming online.

The figures suggest plum exports, the country's biggest earner on international markets, will reach 11.4m cartons in 2013/14, around 50,000 up on last season's record total.

Last season's record peach export volume of 1.38m cartons also looks set to be bettered this time around, forecast at 11 per cent higher at 1.53m cartons.

Nectarines are expected to show the largest increase, with Hortgro anticipating a 14 per cent rise to 3.72m cartons buoyed by a resurgence in production of the Alpine variety and a 'notable contribution' also from August Red.

The overall expansion in export volumes will be in spite of a forecast dip in volumes of early nectarine and peach varieties, which are also due to come online slightly later than last time around.

Apricot exports are forecast at 1.09m cartons, 2 per cent lower than in 2012/13.