The new solution from Dutch AI specialist is set to support growers in their decision making with accurate, real-time yield predictions, a specialist in AI solutions for fruit and vegetable growers, has launched Source Cultivate, an AI-based solution that enables accurate yield forecasting up to eight weeks prior to harvesting. 

Greenhouse tomato grower

Following the launch of its first product, Source Track, and the recent release of Source Irrigation Control, the company said Source Cultivation was a “new addition in the suite that takes greenhouse efficiency to the next level”.

By simulating the outcome of cultivation strategies, Source Cultivate, which was officially launched at GreenTech in Amsterdam, aims to support growers in their decision-making processes with accurate, real-time yield predictions. 

“It provides growers with valuable and consistent insights into how cultivation strategies, along with local greenhouse conditions, impact new fruit sets, plant load, and potential harvest,” stated. “When combined with the execution of the crop plan, Source Cultivate can forecast with a 90 per cent accuracy three to four weeks out. 

“In addition, the software facilitates seamless data sharing between the greenhouse and sales teams through its API, ensuring complete transparency and enabling timely adjustments to yield expectations and their corresponding values. With Source Cultivate handling the complex data analysis for yield forecasting, the grower can focus on the greenhouse management.” collaborated closely with top-tier growers in its development of Source Cultivate, leveraging their invaluable insights and practical expertise. 

“By combining on-the-ground knowledge with’s expertise in plant science and data science, the company said it had created a “cutting-edge, scalable AI software solution” that addresses one of the most challenging issues faced by modern agriculture.

“Source Cultivate can provide a simulation that tells us what effect our early cultivation choices have on the rest of the season,” said Bart van den Bosch, co-owner of A&G van den Bosch. “It also offers insights when circumstances change, simulating what the consequences of those changes will be for our yield forecast. Source Cultivate is set out to bring us more certainty, solving one of our biggest pain points.”

Ernst van Bruggen with Rien Kamman

Ernst van Bruggen (right) with co-founder Rien Kamman

Ernst van Bruggen, CPO and co-founder of, commented: “Yield forecasts are often inaccurate and only available shortly before the harvest, resulting in sales teams trading with unreliable and outdated information. Unexpected shortages or surpluses, often driven by weather conditions, many times come as a surprise and have a massive impact on the average sales price. At Source, we are committed to giving the reins back to growers and augmenting their skills through AI. Source Cultivate is the solution that enhances growers’ ability to predict yield accurately, decrease human error, and negotiate better trading terms.”