Chile cherries

Exports of Chilean cherries have registered an “important increase” up to Week 45 of the 2011/12 season, according to a report from Decofrut and published by SimFRUIT.

Volume has totalled 742 tonnes to date, up from 624 tonnes last season, with 544 tonnes distributed during Week 45 alone.

Decofrut said the leading market to date is the US, followed by Asia, Latin America, Europe, Russia and the Middle East.

The US has absorbed 306 tonnes of cherries from Chile up to Week 45 of the 2011/12 season, including 181 tonnes in Week 45, which is just under the 307 tonnes received in 2010/11.

Asia has taken 302 tonnes (with 272 tonnes in Week 45), marking a “significant increase” compared with the year-earlier period when 175 tonnes were exported, according to the report.

Latin America has also received 66 tonnes of cherries from Chile so far this season, up from 57 tonnes in 2010/11.

Decofrut said Europe has taken 66 tonnes, which represents a slight decrease on the 76 tonnes shipped last season.

Exports to Russia, meanwhile, have totalled 5 tonnes to date in 2011/12, which is just above the 4 tonnes sent to Russia during the same period last year.

The Middle East has accumulated 1 tonne of cherries from Chile, down on the 5 tonnes exported up to Week 45 in 2010/11, according to the report.