Sial Paris

This year, food and drink exhibition Sial celebrates its 50th anniversary, with a grand firework display set to mark the occasion during Sial Paris on 19-23 October.

Organisers were keen to stress that Sial had retained the values and vision it commenced with back in 1964.

'The exhibition has always been international with a focus on innovation, networking and doing business together,' said Dorothée Gricourt, Sial's communications director. 'This vision has not changed, although we are now more international, with events in China, Canada, Brazil, the UAE and, most recently, the Philippines.'

Sial Paris was once better known for its finished products, but Gricourt stated that the focus on fruit and vegetables and other fresh items had grown considerably.

Also significant at the coming show will be the emphasis on innovation. 'We intend to map out how innovation has transformed the food industry over the last 50 years,' said Gricourt, 'and try to predict the future direction, bearing in mind innovations like 3D printers and smart phone technology.'

The Innovation Award will see 15 products picked out from an initial pool of 1,000 entries, chosen for their embodiment of various key trends, including ethical production, clever use of packaging and health properties.

'Around 50 products will be on display at Sial Paris that will not be on the shelves for another five years,' said Gricourt, 'so the exhibition is a great way to look ahead to the future.'

The fair will equally feature cooking demonstrations from chefs, while Sial TV, launched last year, will tackle the main issues affecting the food industry, including food safety, nutrition, health and innovation, with a number of round-table discussions.

A delegation of celebrity chefs is also due to travel around the halls, with each one tasked with selecting five noteworthy products from exhibitors before explaining why they chose them and how best to prepare them.