Trento-based apple suppliers will combine to create ‘more robust’ supply chains, and cement an existing commercial relationship with Melinda

SFT La Trentina Ernesto Seppi Luca Zaglio Rodolfo Brochetti

Pictured l-r: Melinda president Ernesto Seppi, Apot Melinda La Trentina general manager Luca Zaglio, and La Trentina president Rodolfo Brochetti

A merger between two of north-east Italy’s major apple producers, Società Frutticoltori Trento (SFT) and Cooperativa La Trentina, has been given the green light.

The news came after members of the two cooperatives approved the merger plan, which was presented by their respective boards of directors.

According to those involved, the deal will create an entity with total annual production of around 60,000 tonnes of apples, with a combined turnover of more than €50m.

Crucially, the two cooperatives say they have identified mutual benefits including more robust supply chains.

During negotiations, it was also agreed that production could be expanded as part of a new joint strategy.

“The merger with La Trentina represents a great opportunity that will allow both entities to consolidate their industrial structure in a challenging and rapidly changing market context,” commented SFT president Danilo Brida.

His counterpart at La Trentina, Rodolfo Brochetti, also took the same line. “The vote of the assembly confirms the members’ trust in our strategic vision,” he declared. “The merger will allow us to share larger numbers, which will translate into greater commercial strength and broader possibilities for enhancing the product.”

In 2017, La Trentina joined with Trentino-based apple market leader Melinda to market their fruit together, albeit still under their own brands.

Luca Zaglio, general manager of Apot Melinda La Trentina, also expressed his appreciation for the assembly’s decision.

“The approved industrial plan is part of a shared vision that inspires us more and more to think as a system, developing projects and initiatives for aggregation at all levels of the supply chain,” he stated.

“Thanks to this merger, we will be able to further strengthen this strategy by acting more and more as a single entity, trying to respond to the challenges of the market and the macroeconomic framework with the aim of guaranteeing greater economic advantages for all members.”