US school salad bar

Kaiser Permanente of the Mid-Atlantic States announced its donation of salad bars to seven Washington DC public schools in wards 7 & 8 at an event at Burrville Elementary School in Northeast DC.

Kaiser Permanente’s donation builds on its commitment to improving the health and wellness of children in Wards 7 & 8 communities and supports Let’s Move Salad Bars to Schools. The salad bars will benefit 2,300 students by increasing their access to fresh fruits and vegetables at school lunch.

“Kaiser Permanente of the Mid-Atlantic States works with individuals and institutions to transform the way people experience health in neighborhoods, schools and workplaces,' said Celeste James, director of community health initiatives for Kaiser Permanente of the Mid-Atlantic States. 'Through our partnership with the United Fresh Foundation we are increasing students’ daily access to fresh fruits and vegetables. If we want children to practice healthy eating behaviors we need to ensure that healthy options are readily available.'

“United Fresh is honoured to partner with Kaiser Permanente of the Mid-Atlantic States to improve children’s eating habits and health,' said Dr Lorelei DiSogra, vice-president of nutrition & health, United Fresh Produce Association. 'Salad bars are an effective strategy for increasing children’s consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, and are the easiest way for schools to meet the new federal nutrition standards for school lunch that emphasise more fruits and vegetables.'