Pino Calcagni

Pino Calcagni, CELCAA / Freshfel Europe

The European Commission's Advisory Group on Fruit and Vegetables, which represents producers, manufacturers, traders and other interested parties from across the industry, has called on the EU Commissioner for Agriculture, Dacian Ciolos, to reinforce efforts to increase consumption of fresh produce in the European Union.

In a joint resolution document seen by Eurofruit Magazine, the group called on Commissioner Ciolos to 'take appropriate action' to move the fruit and vegetable sector forward based on strong EU-based production and industry, a strong trade sector and greater efficiency and transparency within the supply chain.

The resolution emphasised the important role played by the sector in the EU economy in terms of offering employment, aiding rural development and protecting the environment, while also reiterating the health benefits for consumers of a diet rich in fruit and vegetables.

Against a backdrop of falling prices, declining income for producers and a continuing shortfall in consumption levels, the resolution also called for an urgent review of current crisis prevention and management tools, the maintenance of EU support to producer organisations beyond 2013 and the development of a 'favourable and efficient' framework which would enable the trade to operate under a harmonised set of rules.

The group also underlined the importance of introducing measures to secure the future of the fruit and vegetable processing industry, of encouraging the growth of new markets in the foodservice arena and of strengthening the recently established EU School Fruit Scheme.

Dacian Ciolos European CommissionFinally, the resolution urged the Commissioner (pictured left) to put in place a strategy to stimulate EU fruit and vegetable exports, as well as a strategy for the promotion of fruit and vegetables on both the internal and external markets.

Pino Calcagni, chairman of the advisory group, said Commissioner Ciolos and his staff should be doing all they could to avoid another crisis in the European fresh produce sector.

'There are very strong and scientifically justified calls to increase fruit and vegetable consumption as a way to improve public health and reduce health care costs in the long term,' he commented. 'Against this background, an ambitious strategy supporting both the sector and consumption should urgently be adopted.'

The resolution was signed by Mr Calcagni, representing fresh produce industry association Freshfel Europe and the European Liaison Committee for the Agricultural and Agri-Food Trade; Arturo Diez Del Rio of EU food and drink industry confederation CIAA and Profel, the European Association of Fruit and Vegetable Processors; and Giuliana Roncolini of European farmers and cooperatives confederations Copa-Cogeca.

The group is understood to have requested a meeting with the Commissioner to present him with the resolution and discuss its possible implementation.