PSA on kiwifruit vine

Kiwifruit Vine Health (KVH), the organisation introduced to help combat and manage the threat of the Psa disease in New Zealand, has said that there is value inorganising a second symposium on the disease in the space of six months.

The event, which will be held in Mount Maunganui, will bring together growers, industry representatives andscientists from both New Zealand and Italy who have beenstudying the disease.

Discussions will centre on the latest research being carried out and the findings that have been gathered, such as the impact of cold weather on the disease.

The latest statistics from Kiwifruit Vine Health showed that some 2,050 orchards had been identified with Psa-V in New Zealand, while 69 per cent of the country's kiwifruit hectares are now on an orchard identified with Psa-V.