World Fruit & Vegetable Show

UK retailer Asda has teamed up with the upcoming World Fruit and Vegetable Show to present the Asda Innovation Award, which will be presented for outstanding innovation in the fresh produce industry.

Restricted exclusively to exhibitors at the event, which takes place in London, UK on 27-28 October this year, the award will be presented by Asda's head of fresh produce Dominic Edwards at a special event for exhibitors, guests and the press following the show's opening ceremony.

The award recognises new products or services, which 'truly break new ground' in the sector, the event's organisers suggested, and it is expected that it will become 'an important industry award' attracting interest among trade specialists and media.

Applications are accepted up to 24 September, with each company restricted to one product nomination, while all products will be shown in the innovation display area at the exhibition for the duration of the two-day event.