US school salad bar

United Fresh Presidentand CEO Tom Stenzel hasissueda statement in response to the recent action by the House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee to roll back school meal nutrition standards, labelling the move 'embarrassing'.

'Members of the House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee who voted to roll back school meal nutrition standards that benefit the health of millions of American children should be embarrassed,' he explained.'We are disappointed in the vote to move the bill out of subcommittee, but are pleased that so many members raised strong objections to this provision, and will continue to fight any rollback that jeopardises children’s health.'

The USDA hasreported that 91 per centof schools are already complying with these nutrition standards, and Stenzel said that Congress should focus on helping those schools that may face challenges in implementing the standards, not creating an “opt-out” clause just because some find it difficult.

'This is unfair to those thousands of schools across the country who are doing a great job and providing healthier meals to their students,' he continued.

'The childhood obesity crisis is real - with the early onset of diabetes and the enormous burden of healthcare costs on society. Moms and dads know the challenge of helping our kids make healthy choices - but we don’t opt-out of trying. We put our own kids’ health first, and it’s time for Congress to put all of our kids’ health first,' Stenzel noted.

As the Ag Appropriations Bill makes its way through the Congress,United Freshcalled on members of both parties to stand up for kids health, and not toroll back very basic nutrition standards for the nation’s school meals.