SanLucar paper bag with handles

SanLucar has launched two new packaging formats for its cherries to coincide with the start of the new season, a paper bag with handles and bowl with premium cover. They complete the range comprising a traditional 5kg box and 1kg wooden crate.

The company said the innovative new packs helped the product to stand out on supermarket shelves and meant fewer write-offs for retailers, while bringing greater convenience for consumers.

“Both retailers and consumers benefit from increased food safety since the new packaging is very hygienic and prevents sensitive fruits such as cherries from being handled too often,” said Charlotte Stojan. “At the same time, the bowl provides another layer of protection because it keeps the cherries clean and protects them during transportation and storage in the supermarket.”

According to SanLucar, the paper bag with handles has already proven popular with consumers for grapes who appreciate its ease of use and perceive it to be an environmentally friendly packaging option.