Saint-Charles Export delegation

Perpignan-based fresh produce consortium Saint-Charles Export, in partnership with French trade association Ubifrance, last month welcomed a delegation of fruit and vegetable buyers and importers from Austria and Poland to the south of France to learn more about about the summer fruits grown in the region.

On 17-20 June, the delegation visited the French departments of Languedoc-Roussillon, Provences Alpes-Côte d'Azur and Rhône Alpes to inspect the nectarine and apricot orchards.

The aim is reportedly to boost exports to eastern Europe, in part to redress the balance of trade, which stood at a deficit of some €70bn in 2011.

Delegates were reportedly impressed with the innovations made by Saint-Charles Exports' members, in multi-modal transport, communications, respect for the environment and the use of renewable energy.