
A new report by TNS Worldpanel has shown that Sainsbury's was the big retail winner in the UK over the Easter period, with it's market share increasing to 16.3 per cent from 16.1 per cent during the 12-week period.

This meant year-on-year market growth of 8.1 per cent, boosted by a hard promotional drive in the run-up to Easter, and kept the group ahead of the overall grocery market which increased by 6.2 per cent in the period to 19 April.

'This growth can be attributed to shoppers trading up for the holiday period but also to the strong in-store offers and price cuts that attracted new shoppers into Sainsbury's for their Easter shopping,' said Mike Watkins of Neilsen.

By contrast, market leader Tesco saw its year-on-year market share contract by 0.5 per cent to 30.6 per cent, with Easter growth of just 4.6 per cent.

Asda and Morrisons both increased their market share, to 17.2 per cent and 11.5 per cent respectively.

Meanwhile, discounters Aldi and Lidl both maintained their market share growth, up 13.6 per cent and 12.3 per cent, although expansion slowed compared with 2008.