NormanCollett, a leading supplier of English fruit to UK multiples, is to launch thesecond season of Rubens, its new premium apple variety, with retailers Tesco,the Co-operative Group and Booths from October onwards.
2008 wasthe variety’s debut season, making it the first new apple variety to beintroduced to the UK since 2000. Norman Collett retains exclusive rights tomarket Rubens in the UK by brand owner CIV (Consorzio Italiano Vivaisti).
SarahCalcutt, business development manager at Norman Collett, said: “Rubens exceededour expectations in its first year and we have increased production to over 3mEnglish Rubens apples for this season’s crop, up from 800,000 in 2008.
“The uniqueflavour and crunch is exactly what British consumers want – as well as beinggrown in Kent, thereby keeping the food miles down - and we believe that 2009will be another great year for Rubens.”
In astatement, Ms Calcutt said that Rubens growers had been chosen via a carefulevaluation of good farming practices with strong ecological and communitycredentials. All farms are accredited under the UK ‘Little Red Tractor’assurance scheme.
155,000Rubens trees have been planted to date with another70,000due to be planted in the next 2 years. A full crop of 1,500 tonnes (5,000 bins) is expected by 2012.