ZA Orange River grapes

Grape production in South Africa's Orange River region

Grape growers based along South Africa's Orange River have revised their estimate for this season's export crop to 14m, from an initial forecast 15m cartons, following recent cold weather and frost.

As a result of the adverse conditions, very few grapes from the region are expected to arrive in Europe in time for the pre-Christmas market.

A regular container vessel sailing set to depart in late November was understood to represent the last chance of delivering before the holiday.

“Apart from the frost, the cold weather has delayed our harvest along the Orange River,” commented Orange River producer spokesman Piet du Plessis. “While we have already been packing full steam in the lower end of the river, the areas around Augrabies can only start now and will miss the pre-Christmas market.”

Du Plessis said most growers in the region were still finding it hard to assess the total impact of the poor weather on their crops.

“Earlier we thought that an export crop in access of 15m cartons was still possible; we are now placing our forecast closer to 14m cartons.”