south african citrus

South African citrus grower-shippers are anxious to address the citrus black spot (CBS) problems in Europe without upsetting the balance of supply in Asian markets this season.

Early volume reports indicate a steep rise in South African citrus shipments to Asia against the backdrop of reduced sendings to Europe following EU concerns over CBS.

“So far this season we have seen an increase in shipments to the Far East, but we must remember that these markets, along with the Middle East, are trading markets. One responds to definite demand. They are not markets in which one can speculate,' Freek Dreyer of Zest Fruit told Fruitnet.

But he added that the weak European demand is also down to lingering Northern Hemisphere stocks, adding that the CBS risk really concerns the late season.

“In April, May and June we do not see any problems with normal supplies to Europe. The CBS problem is really a late season one and mainly applies to Valencia types,' he said.

Dreyer, and other leading exporters, believe that in this season it is not really the size of the exportable crop that will determine what can be shipped to international markets, but rather servicing demand and ensuring an orderly season.

“Once the demand in Europe returns, shipping patterns will return to normal,” said San Miguel’s Alex Lucas.