Michael Velasco award 2009

Michael Velasco (right) with the Spanish Ambassador Carles Casajuana

One of Spain's foremost fresh produce industry players has been appointed to the Cruz de la Orden de Isabel La Católica by the King of Spain in recognition of his contribution to the development of fruit and vegetable exports from the country.

Michael Velasco, chairman of UK-based import-export company Rodanto, was presented with the award by the Spanish Ambassador to the UK, Carles Casajuana, during a ceremony attended by family, friends and colleagues from the fresh produce industry at the National Gallery in London.

The award recognises Mr Velasco’s long and varied career in the fresh produce industry, during which he has represented Spain and taken a number of influential roles, including the presidency of the Fresh Produce Consortium (FPC), chairman of the FPC’s importers’ division, committee member of the Seasonal Berries campaign, spokesperson for Winter Berries and an executive board member of the industry’s Eat in Colour promotional initiative.

María José Sevilla, director of Foods and Wines from Spain at the Spanish Commercial Office, said: “We are delighted that Michael’s dedication to Spanish fresh produce has been recognised with this award.

In a career spanning three decades, Michael’s hard work and commitment to his own fruit business specifically and the produce industry in general has been critical to the development of the Spanish fruit business in the UK, not to mention initiatives such as Eat in Colour. Michael thoroughly deserves this recognition.”

Mr Velasco started his career with jobs in the computer and banking industries, before working in procurement at Rodanto Imports Exports Ltd in 1975, with particular responsibility for developing imports from the Canary Islands.

He was appointed managing director of Rodanto in 1977, a position he retained until standing down in 2002, and remains group chairman. He is also director of MJ Fruit Farms Ltd and Holbrook Holdings.

An active member of the FPC since its formation, and elected to its Importers Committee in 1998, he became committee chairman in 2001 before being elected vice-president in 2003 and president of the FPC in 2006.

Mr Velasco became a member of the steering committee of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce (Camara) in 1997 and was elected vice-president of the organisation in 2002.

Mr Velasco is a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Fruiterers and was granted Freedom of the City of London in 2004.