Port of Rotterdam Merwehaven

For the first half of 2011, the Port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands has reported that it handled some 215m tonnes of cargo, representing slim growth of 1 per cent on the corresponding period last year.

The Port Authority noted that incoming cargo had increased by 2 per cent to 153m tonnes, while outgoing cargo dropped 1 per cent to 61m tonnes.

Container cargo throughput increased by 12 per cent, the Authority noted, with the volume of container traffic up 10 per cent to 6m TEU (20-foot equivalent units).

'On the whole, throughput has maintained the high level of 2010,' said Hans Smits, CEO of the Port of Rotterdam Authority. 'This also applies to investments from both the Port of Rotterdam Authority and companies.

'The Port of Rotterdam's positive development is connected strongly to world trade, especially that related to China and Germany,' he added. 'The significant unrest on the financial markets and its influence on the trust of consumers and producers can have a negative influence on world trade and thus on our throughput. There is a significant need for quicker and clearer political decision-making to sway negative sentiments.

'I expect that throughput in the third quarter will stay on target. July was a good month and the cargo for August and September is already in the pipeline. In spite of insecurity about the fourth quarter, I expect throughput for the entire year to show a light growth.'