Port of Rotterdam

As part of its future planning strategy, the Port of Rotterdam Authority has calculated that throughput at the port could rise from current figures of around 420m tonnes per year to approximately 575m-740m tonnes in 2030.

This so-called potential estimates for goods throughput, based on three different economic scenarios over the next 20 years, form the basis for Rotterdam's 'Port Vision 2030', which the Port Authority is set to draft.

According to the group, throughput volumes up to 2030 differ in each of the three economic scenarios, but some general trends remain the same, such as raw materials showing limited growth or decline and semi-manufactured products increasing.

'The Port Vision 2030 is meant to serve as a pointer for the further development of the port,' said Rotterdam Port Authority CEO Hans Smit. 'Rotterdam's port and industrial complex is one of the strongest clusters in our national economy.

'The Port Vision 2030 is therefore of national importance,' he added. 'In the next half year, we will be looking to talk with stakeholders, clients and authorities and expect to complete the vision by summer 2011.'