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Industry analyst Plimsoll's latest study into the UK fresh produce industry, which was recently updated for September 2012, has apparently found that 41 companies are risking their long-term sustainability in order to increase sales.

According to the Fresh Produce Report, these 41 companies are 'in danger of spiralling out of control' if they continue with their current business model.

While the majority of the organisations are making solid and informed decisions, Plimsoll reported, there are some firms that need to reassess their current position.

'Of course it’s exciting to see these companies increase their market share and invigorate the market, but if their financial health continues to decline then all these extra sales will count for nothing,' said report author David Pattison.

'In a market that displays modest growth, it's eveident that these businesses are impacting on the rest,' he added. 'Of the other 248 companies analysed in the report, 40 per cent have seen their sales dramatically decline. ue to the 41 companies surging ahead, the others in the industry are facing the consequences.'