The Reusable Packaging Association (RPA) has announced that a groundbreaking field test of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology on reusable transport packaging has begun in the US.
The study involves thousands of reusable containers with affixed RFID tags being used throughout all stages of the supply chain in variable conditions, and involves a range of companies including Wal-Mart, Stemilt, IFCO Systems and Tanimura.
The field trial, which is taking place in grower fields, distribution centres and retail outlets, subjects the containers to varying weather conditions, rough handling and refrigeration.
'There has never been an RFID-related field trial of this magnitude in the US with so many key supply chain partners,' said IFCO's Fred Heptinstall. 'The level of cooperation within the industry is truly remarkable.'
Prior to the study, extensive research and testing was carried out in laboratories at Michigan State University School of Packaging, with 230 reusable containers featuring nine separate ECP compliant Gen 2 RFID tags being rigorously tested.
'The durability and readability of the RFID tags during the lab tests were superb,' said Pat Kennedy, the RPA project leader. 'The information gathered from these studies will help businesses make data-driven decisions about the cost-effectiveness and feasibility of incorporating reusable containers into their supply chains from an enhanced track and trace perspective.'