Company recognised for its strong international profile in the food category

Reybanpac, Ecuador’s biggest banana producer and second biggest exporter, has been recognised for its export profile at the PremioeXpor 2024 gala, organised by the Ecuadorian Federation of Exporters (Fedexpor).

Reybanpac export prize

The company won the bronze award in the Large Food Exporting Company category at last week’s gala, which honours companies that have stood out for their performance in international sales, diversification of commercial destinations and product portfolio in the last year.

General manager José Antonio Vargas said the award reflects the company’s daily effort to meet the highest quality standards and its commitment to innovation, environmental sustainability, and social responsibility.

“Throughout our 47-year history, we have been characterised by our good agricultural, social, and environmental practices, which have earned us multiple certifications. We will continue on the path of excellence and continuous improvement, as we are the source of income for more than 6,000 people who depend on our productive activity,” Vargas said.

Xavier Rosero, vice president of Fedexpor, said the success of Ecuador’s export sector cannot be measured only by the amount of dollars it generates, but also by its contribution to social development, innovation, and competitiveness. “The most important thing is the exemplary footprint we leave in society because all the effort a company can make has its reward,” he said.

At the close of the event, Fedexpor’s president, Felipe Ribadeneira, discussed the need for a national agreement with a long-term vision that plans for the future of Ecuador to achieve prosperity. “We must build on the intrinsic values of a democracy: freedom, respect, and opportunities,” he stressed.

“We would like to thank Fedexpor for this new award that we receive with pride and that serves as an encouragement in our mission to nourish the world healthily and sustainably,” said José Antonio Vargas.