Spain Retail

European retail giants Tesco and Carrefour have joined others at a key sustainability event in backing a voluntary code of conduct designed to reduce the sector's environmental footprint.

Over 20 major retailers and retail bodies have signed up to the newly formed Retail Environmental Sustainability Code, which was published last week at an event to celebrate the EU-backed Retail Forum for Sustainability.

The new code is designed to ensure the sustainable sourcing of sensitive products while also pushing companies to improve operational efficiency through a number of mediums, such as waste management and transport.

Organisations signed to the initiative will be required to make annual progress reports against the different elements of the code, reported.

'It addresses the main areas of environmental concern, such as sourcing,waste management, resource efficiency and communication to customers,' said European environment commissioner JanezPotocnik at the event.

'By signing up to this code of conduct, retailers are showing that they careabout the impacts their businesses have on the environment and are taking actionto reduce them,' he added.

Launched in 2009, the Retail Forum aims to generate a better understanding of the practical measures needed to promote sustainable consumption in the retail sector.