Bonduelle fresh-cut salad

French group Bonduelle has reported on a period of 'remarkable growth of activity and profitability' for the full-year of 2012/13, against what it has described as a 'difficult climate'.

For the 12-month period, turnover grew by 7.3 per cent on 2011/12, up to €1.9bn from €1.77bn.

Operating profitability came in 4.7 per cent higher at €105.6m, with the company's net result growing 11.5 per cent to €52.1m.

According to Bonduelle, turnover development was driven by dynamism in the non-Europe zone – indeed, turnover in the Europe zone was down 0.8 per cent.

'Full-year 2013/14 will be affected by the rather difficult beginning of the crop season and by the necessity to negotiate moderate price increases with retailers and out-of-home catering players to preserve commercial volumes,' the group noted.

'Despite this adverse climate and no tangible signs of a European food consumption recovery, the Bonduelle Group should, nevertheless, record a 3 to 5 per cent increase in its turnover and an operational profitability in line with its historical performances.'