Fresh produce industry recruitment specialist Redfox has unveiled a brand new website which it says will harness the power of social media to generate interest among prospective clients and candidates alike.
Offering a number of highly innovative features, the site is intended to be 'as engaging as possible to all users of the site,' says Redfox founder and managing director Max MacGillivray.
The revamped website includes news feeds for a range of industry sectors, a calendar of related events and the latest client videos.
Candidates also have the option of making applications for roles using their LinkedIn profiles, while social media integration is also available via LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Redfox's iPhone app.
'The new site reflects the next generation of websites where content and engagement is key and for us to be seen as a trusted provider and supplier of high end recruitment services to the sectors that we operate in.,' commented MacGillivray.
'As the retail landscape changes, the key driver within any business is still the people and the ability to find the best people for the best companies. With our new website we are confident that we will be able to achieve that for clients and candidates both in the UK and Internationally on-going.'