Fresh produce recruitment specialist Redfox Executive Selection has launched its own industry iPhone app, which will provide trade news as well as details of job vacancies and candidates available across the international fruit and vegetable business.
Following the success of its LinkedIn Fresh Produce Group, which now boasts 1,300 members, and its weekly newsfeed, to which around 8,000 people are currently subscribed, Redfox is evidently pushing ahead with a concerted social media strategy in order to raise its profile and attract new employers and job applicants.
Max MacGillivray, the firm's managing director, commented: 'At Redfox, we want to ensure our key contacts, from university graduates to board level executives from the UK and around the world, have the breaking market news at their fingertips.'
'It's vital information they need to remain informed about the areas they work with. The opportunities for the right people in the fresh food sectors are significant. If we can attract more people to the industry through their interest in the Redfox news app and our roles, it will benefit everyone.'
He added: 'We have already had a large number of positive reviews on the iTunes store, so have very high hopes for it.'
The Redfox app can be downloaded from the App Store on iTunes by searching for 'fresh produce'.