
Peruvian mango exports have contracted so far this season following “rainfall of medium intensity” across the country’s mango-producing regions during Week 6, according to a report by

The Association of Peruvian Mango Producers and Exporters (Apem) said sendings during Week 6 totalled 316 containers, against 599 containers in 2011, with overall accumulated volume down 42 per cent to 2,133 containers.

Provided there are no further rains, however, Apem estimates that volume should recoup slightly during Week 7 with fruit from Lambayeque and Casma.

Earlier, Apem told a local publication that its previous export forecast of 63,000 tonnes for 2011/12 could be revised downwards to 55,000 tonnes because of the rain impact, which would mark a significant drop from last season’s 130,000-tonne total.

This season fruit has been of mixed maturity following various flowering periods in the winter of 2011, explained.

To date this season Peru has exported 44 per cent of its mango export crop to the Netherlands, 37 per cent to the US and 7 per cent to Canada, the report said.

The main suppliers were FLP del Perú, Sunshine Export, Dominus and Camposol, all of whom are members of Apem.