Spain oranges

Fruit and vegetable prices are soaring in the UK following heavy rains in Spain, which have reduced volumes of crops that are imported in large quantities to the UK, according to the Grocer.

Downpours in Andalucia, a key growing region in Spain, have succeeded in wiping out significant volumes of crops, including as much as a third of the citrus crop, leaving exports in short supply.

As a consequence, oranges have increased in price by 25 per cent in the UK compared with a year ago, avocados by 17 per cent, cauliflowers by 12 per cent and cherry tomatoes by 10 per cent, the Grocer reported.

The supply of strawberries, raspberries, lettuce, spinach and other crops has also been severely disrupted, according to the magazine.

Spanish producers' association Freshuelva put losses at an estimated £90m (€100m) for strawberries and £45m (€50m) for raspberries.

According to the Grocer, prices are expected to remain high until domestic crops come into season over the next three months.