Excess humidity causes losses of 15-20 per cent of the crop

Rain and humidity have caused significant damage to strawberry production in southern Spain in recent weeks according to Freshuelva, the Association of Strawberry Producers and Exporters of Huelva.

Campo Fresón de Palos (25)

Prolonged and heavy rainfall during February and the first half of March has delayed fruit ripening and rendered 15-20 per cent of the crop unmarketable, the association said.

Speaking to Europa Press, Freshuelva manager Rafael Domínguez noted that the main cause of damage was so much humidity accumulating in the macrotunnels.

He said that a forecast improvement in the weather from 19 or 20 March will improve the condition and quality of the fruit just as demand begins rise.

“We know that these are the peak months of the campaign because we are now moving into spring, and therefore strawberries are in high demand in the markets, and we will be able to offer the fruit that consumers are asking for,” Domínguez explained.

The Price and Market Observatory reported that prices are on the rise in the international market and that “although demand for berries is good, Spanish products are in short supply due to the rains”.