Bayer Nunhems HILD radishes

Bayer CropScience subsidiaries Nunhems and HILD have opted to combine their radish breeding programmes into one operation, centred at HILD's facilities in Germany.

Nunhems said that the move would result in a strong and complete radish programme, which would be made available to growers across Europe.

“With this decision, we merge the radish breeding programsme for greenhouse and outdoor cultivation, which will give advantages to both programmes,” said Paul Rubitschek, managing director of HILD. “During a transition period, the seeds for greenhouse radishes will be delivered under the Nunhems brand, but our plan is to deliver the seeds before the end of 2013 under the HILD brand.”

Michel ten Hacken, Global Head of Marketing & Sales at Nunhems, added: “For our customers, we will take care of a smooth transfer of the radish sales activities from Nunhems to HILD.”