Purfresh has highlighted the continued expansion of its global partner network selling and supporting its Purfresh Transport solution, a move necessitated by accelerated worldwide demand for its active cargo protection system.

The food protection and preservation technology group noted that it continues to add regional and international partners from almost every transportation category, including ocean carriers, non-vessel operating common carriers, freight forwarders and service providers.

Currently, the Purfresh Transport network consists of more than 150 agents and service providers in 70 locations, a threefold increase year-on-year, with Purfresh and its partners now serving the produce industry in more than 90 ports around the world.

'Purfresh Transport gives our customers an opportunity to maintain and deliver high quality fresh produce on routes never before achievable with more traditional solutions,' said Rodolfo Faccini Pose of Uruguay-based Transcargo. 'With Purfresh Transport, exporters and importers benefit from unprecedented protection for their valuable produce without the use of harmful chemicals.'

The Purfresh Transport system is offered as a per-trip service from most major shipping lines, optimally integrated with the Intellipur tracking, monitoring, alerting and reporting informatics system.

'Consumer demand for year-round fresh produce continues to increase, representing a tremendous opportunity for the fresh food industry,' said David Bouchard, general manager, post-harvest and transport solutions for Purfresh. 'Unfortunately, the challenge of maintaining quality and safety during transoceanic voyages remains as transitional cargo protection methods have fallen short of the needs of global shippers.

'This very challenge is what is fuelling the rapid adoption of our Purfresh Transport and driving our need to continue to augment our distribution and support channels,' he added.

News of the expanded Purfresh Transport network follows the recent launch of Purfresh's advanced Purshade Ultra solar stress protectant, which is engineered to provide advanced ultraviolet (UV) protection for crops.