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Biobest, the Belgium-based specialist in biological systems for sustainable crop management, has announced that its PreFeRal product has now been registered for use in France.

The biological protection insecticide is used for the control of whiteflies in various protected (glasshouse-based) crops, having been initially allowed under temporary registration in the country.

In addition to protecting cucumber and tomato production, the registration also means a breakthrough for French ornamental production, according to Biobest, where most of the systematic and selective crop protection agents against whiteflies have often failed due to insect resistance.

PreFeRal, which is already registered in several European countries, is seen as the ideal supplement to Biobest's biological solutions such as the introduction of Macrolophus, Encarcia formosa, Eretmocerus eremicus and E. mundus – all natural enemies of the whitefly.
