The Port of Los Angeles has revealed that its import volume increased by 2.7 per cent from 360,969 Twenty-Foot Equivalent (TEU) containers in May 2011 to 370,721 TEUs in May 2012.
Exports, meanwhile, rose by 0.45 per cent from 184,274 TEUs in April 2011 to 185,107 TEUs in April 2012, according to a press release from the facility.
Combined, total loaded imports and exports for May were also up by 1.9 per cent, from 545,243 TEUs last May to 555,829 TEUs in May 2012.
Factoring in empties, which increased 18.8 per cent year-on-year, overall May 2012 volume (731,352 TEUs) grew by 5.5 per cent compared with May 2011 (692,933 TEUs).
The figures reflect the busiest May in Port history, surpassing May 2006 volumes of 695,953 TEUs.
The Port also recently recorded its strongest April in its history.
For the first five months of 2012, overall container volumes have increased 5.98 per cent (3,313,355 TEUs) compared to the same period in 2011 (3,126,432 TEUs).