Port of Los Angeles

The Port of Los Angeles has picked up a prestigious Lloyd's List Global Award in the environment category, in recognition of its environmental leadership in aiming to reduce emissions from maritime sources.

'The fact that the Port of Los Angeles has supporting evidence of up to a75 per cent reduction in emissions since 2005 caught the attention of our judges,' said Lloyd’s List editor Richard Meade. 'Through innovativeprograms and international collaboration, the Port of Los Angeles is rightly recognised as an environmental leader and role model for other ports.'

In landing the award, it highlighted several of the port's green initiatives and leadership efforts at both a regional and international level including the San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Plan and the annual funding of the Technology Advancement Programme.

'Our team has worked hard to implement emission reduction measures and proactive programmes to curb pollution,' said port executive director Geraldine Knatz. 'To be recognised on the international stage for our environmental leadership and innovation is truly an honour.'

Chris Cannon, the Port’s director of environmental management, called the award 'an honour' and a culmination of the port's environmental efforts.

'We could not have achieved these environmental milestones without the vision of our City of Los Angeles and Port leadership, and the commitment of our industry and community partners,' said Cannon.