Port of Huelva

Spain’s Port of Huelva has announced that it will invest €35m in the construction of a new fruit terminal to support fresh produce exports from the Andalusian province to international markets.

According to Huelva’s Port Authority, the proposed facility will cover 400m2 and will include a 750m pier, while provision is already being made for phytosanitary facilities that can be used by exporters.

The project has already attracted a range of backers from Huelva’s fresh produce sector, including berry association Freshuelva, the Huelva Citrus Growers’ Association and the local chamber of commerce, as well as a number of regional producers.

The Port Authority’s sales director, Juan José Blanco, told Spanish news agency EFE: “The basic necessary infrastructure is already ready, we only need interested parties, from the producers to the shipping companies, to agree an investment that corresponds to the private initiative for the concrete development of the project.”