Poor weather has continued to hamper the fresh produceindustry in parts of Italy, with heavy rain causing damage worthmillions of euros to vegetable production and high winds bringing downnursery facilities.
The situation has been described as 'alarming' by national farmingassociation CIA. 'The picture that’s emerging is very serious,' said aspokesperson for the group. 'We're seeing bad results in almost everyregion of the country, but for the moment the worst affected areSicily, Calabria, Sardinia, Puglia and Campania.'
In a number of areas, the CIA has reported 100 per cent damage tocrops. Among the products affected are courgettes, lettuce, broccoli,chicory, radicchio, artichokes and cabbage.
The south of Italy is a major supplier of vegetables to a number of key European markets during the winter months.
Despite the widespread damage, Italian agricultural officials have said that no emergency funding will be provided to growers.
'There's money to fight the car crisis, but there continues to be nofinancial cover to cope with the serious situation faced by theagricultural sector,' said CIA president Giuseppe Politi. 'Thisattitude confirms the lack of attention that the government is payingto the primary sector, for which it has no adequate policy.'