Pink Lady

Apple brand Pink Lady has announced a strong start to the season, which started one week later than last year's campaign and two weeks later than in 2011/12.

In the first eight weeks of the campaign, sales are reportedly equivalent to the same period in 2012/13, which was the best launch on record, and 5 per cent better than in 2011/12.

Pink Lady attributes this result to good returns in markets like Scandinavia, Benelux, Ireland, Spain, eastern Europe and Portugal, making up for dips in consumption in France and Italy.

In France, overall apple consumption was down by 20 per cent in December 2013 compared with the year-earlier period, according to a Kantar study, while in Italy consumption has fallen by 5 per cent. Nevertheless, Pink Lady has held on to its market share in these markets.

One issue affecting sales has been the lack of availability of particular sizes, making it harder to meet demand in markets like the UK, Asia and the Middle East.

Pink Lady expects the 2013/14 campaign to last until the first half of May, with 115,000 tonnes available, 4.5 per cent more than in 2012/13.

Communication campaigns have once again proved successful, with almost 20,000 participants registered for the Pink Lady contest, 17,000 new Facebook fans, 8,000 new members of the Pink Lady Club and 350m contacts made through media outlets in 10 European countries.